Various index parameters of air purifier

2023-02-17 09:24:26 宁波天祺实业有限公司 Viewd 1247

CADR (smoke particles)

CADR: (Clean air output ratio) is the ratio of clean air output from air purifiers tested by the American Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) in accordance with strict test standards.The higher the CADR value, the higher the purification efficiency of the purifier.

Applicable area

The applicable area refers to the maximum indoor area suitable for use by the air purifier, in square meters (m2).The applicable area of an air purifier is closely related to its ability to remove particulate matter (that is, the amount of clean air). It is the basic specification and performance index of an internationally common air purifier, and it is the basic index of product pricing.It is recommended that the measured values of the 9 batches of samples inspected can be found online when purchasing.For air purifier products with no nominal applicable area, the user can calculate the amount of clean air (CADR) marked by the product. The formula is: Applicable area =CADR×0.1.

PM2.5 removal rate

Particulate matter with a diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 microns is called fine particulate matter, also known as PM2.5.Particulate matter stays in the atmosphere for a long time and can accumulate in the lungs, which can affect human health. Air purifiers can purify this particulate matter.

Formaldehyde removal rate

Formaldehyde (HCHO) has been identified by the World Health Organization as a carcinogenic and teratogenic substance. It is a recognized source of allergies and one of the potential strong mutagens.Studies have shown that the release period of formaldehyde contained in decoration and furniture is as long as 3-15 years.The average air purifier has reached more than 70%.

TVOC (volatile organic compound) removal rate

TVOC is the total volatile organic compound, volatile organic compounds, commonly used to denote VOC, it is the abbreviation of the first letter of the three words Volatile Organic Compound, but sometimes it is also used to denote the total volatile organic compound TVOC.

TVOC is one of the more seriously affected of the three organic pollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds and aldehydes) in the air.VOC refers to organic matter whose saturated vapor pressure exceeds 133.32pa at room temperature. Its boiling point is from 50℃ to 250℃. It can be evaporated at room temperature and exists in the air. Its toxicity, irritation, carcinogenicity and special odor properties will affect the skin and mucous membranes, causing acute damage to the human body.

Air quality sensor

The air quality sensor contains a conventional two-electrode fuel cell sensor inside.The working electrode releases electrons to the counting electrode through an outer circuit, and consumes oxygen at the counting electrode end. The inner circuit is realized by the ion flow in the electrolyte.

When the air quality sensor is energized, the 2 diaphragms are heated, and their temperature rises linearly, and the linearity is consistent. When no air flow passes through, the temperature difference between the 2 diaphragms is 0. When the air flow passes through, the temperature of the 2 diaphragms changes due to the different order in which the air flow blows through the 2 diaphragms (dotted line), and the difference between the temperature of the 2 diaphragms is an important parameter for the ECU to calculate the air inlet quality.